segunda-feira, 28 de agosto de 2017

A Computational Epidemiology Course (Intensive View for UFRPE BSI-14028 PPGIA-7306, ESMPU...)


    Livros Epidemiologia & Saúde - Fundamentos, Métodos e Aplicações - Mauricio Lima Barreto ; Naomar de Almeida Filho (8527716194)Image result for schiff cellular automata a discrete view of the world


In a CLASS-Oriented view:
  1. (14.08.2019) - 4h - Reading of all material
  2. (21.08.2019) - 4h - SIR Models
  3. 4h - Implementation of SIR Models
  4. 4h - Evaluation of SIR Models
  5. 4h - Modeling using SIR Models
  6. 4h - Implementation and simulating SIR Models
  7. 4h - Result analysis using SIR Models
  8. 4h - Presentation of models, implementation and simulations
  9. 4h - Implementation of Game-of-Life
  10. 4h - Reading Cellular Automata
  11. 4h - Reading Cellular Automata 
  12. 4h - Reading Cellular Automata
  13. 4h - Implementation of Cellular Automata using the Game-of-Life Implementation
  14. 4h - Joining SIR Implementation with the Cellular Automata Implementation
  15. 4h - Modeling using Cellular Automata and SIR Models
  16. 4h - Implementation and simulating Cellular Automata and SIR Models
  17. 4h - result analysis using SIR Models
  18. 4h - presentation of the results in a Blog (news), in a Paper for REIC or TEMA (scientific and methodology), in GitHub (code)

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