quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2016

Mathematica and Wolfram Language for everyone ;-)

a "fixed" linear schedule of topics to learn 
Mathematica and Wolfram Language
Resultado de imagem para cellular automata computation mathematica genetics

  • Challenges - Examples

     a git hub repository here: xxxxxxxxx

  • External Communications

     a Computational Epidemiology Facebook group and a Whatsapp group

  • References


     Cellular Automata (Hardcover) ~ Joel L. Schiff (Author) Cover Art   tp 


     Statistical Mechanics of Cellular Automata, 1983.

  • Schedule (linear) to learn Mathematica, WL, ...

stepcontentstopicfurther information
1what about

about ENVIRONMENT (Information)

  1. What Should We Call the Language of Mathematica?
  2. What is the difference between Mathematica and Wolfram Language?
  3. Announcing Wolfram Programming Lab 


about WHY another computational model (SCIENCE)

  1. Dropping In on Gottfried Leibniz 
  2. Resultado de imagem para new kind of science
  3. Conway´s Computational Model
  4. Computational Law, Symbolic Discourse and the AI Constitution 

3learning the technology

about PROGRAMMING (Technology)

Fast Introduction

Elementary Introduction to Wolfram Language

Documentation Center

FAQ (at work by us...)

Connect Device Framework (Arduino, iRobot...) 

5applicationsWolfram Demonstrations


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