quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2016

Computational Epidemiology - A discrete view of the world in a SUMMER and INTENSIVE VIEW (Recife-PE-BR, 2016)

News and Business and Awards

 http://biomedcast.com/14/ 2010 Prêmio Pirajá da Silva - 1o. lugar - MS-FIOCRUZ/CNPq2008 Prêmio Pirajá da Silva - 1o. lugar - MS-FIOCRUZ/CNPq


Cellular Automata (Hardcover) ~ Joel L. Schiff (Author) Cover Art tp Livros Epidemiologia & Saúde - Fundamentos, Métodos e Aplicações - Mauricio Lima Barreto ; Naomar de Almeida Filho (8527716194) http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-540-78911-6

Summer edition (2016)

    • (14.jan.2016): Implementation of Game of Life with some modifications by yourself (states, rules, ...), create your drive for deliveries and put it here, beside your name: http://bit.ly/RSSAlumni
    • (19.jan.2016): My first model of a phenomena using Game of Life and some modified rules
    • (21.jan.2016): (a) Implementation of Koch curve to calculate its perimeter and its similarity dimension (extra bonus); (b) Implementation of my Model with solving the ODEs (MATHEMATICA or MATLAB).
    • (26.jan.2016): Writting projects using Latex, try to use https://pt.sharelatex.com/ :-) (4-6 pages with Introduction (area of modeling), Model, Analysis, Considerations) 
    • (28.jan.2016): (1) Implementation with Automata and ODEs; (2) a Model analysis and parameter analysis; (3) your project (written).


  • jan 26, 2016 - OFF (no classes, but consulting and running and developing models and projects...)


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