10x (1.5km - 40km - 10km) in 10 Days
2021/2022 - 3Days3IM PE [3x(3.8km - 180.2km - 42.1km)] - SOLOMAN - https://jonesalbuquerque.
2020/2021 - 1st ULTRAMAN PE [10km - 421km - 84km]
day 1 - https://photos.app.goo.gl/
day 2 - https://photos.app.goo.gl/
day 3 - https://photos.app.goo.gl/
2019/2020 - 1st 71% ULTRAMAN PE [6km - 200km - 60km] - - https://photos.app.goo.gl/
2016-2017 - 1st IRONMAN PE [3.8km - 180.2km - 42.1km] https://jonesalbuquerque.
TEST EVENTS (MTB, Road, Time-Trial) ✅
KIT (not used bags from past commercial events + 8 days of coloured RedBulls + 1 day of 'Black RedBull' called Pitú in PE-BRazil + 1 day, Final Day, of Drinks + local food)
DAILY STORIES - https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/18018812098954012/
DAY 1/10
DAY 2/10
DAY 3/10
when the demons stay back

DAY 8/10
sympathy for the devils -
DAY 9/10
DAY 10/10