News and Business and Awards


Summer edition (2016)
- (14.jan.2016): Implementation of Game of Life with some modifications by yourself (states, rules, ...), create your drive for deliveries and put it here, beside your name: http://bit.ly/RSSAlumni
- (19.jan.2016): My first model of a phenomena using Game of Life and some modified rules
- (21.jan.2016): (a) Implementation of Koch curve to calculate its perimeter and its similarity dimension (extra bonus); (b) Implementation of my Model with solving the ODEs (MATHEMATICA or MATLAB).
- (26.jan.2016): Writting projects using Latex, try to use https://pt.sharelatex.com/ :-) (4-6 pages with Introduction (area of modeling), Model, Analysis, Considerations)
- (28.jan.2016): (1) Implementation with Automata and ODEs; (2) a Model analysis and parameter analysis; (3) your project (written).
- jan 12, 2016
- READING: An Introduction to Applied Epidemiology (Lessons 1-3), The Game of LIFE, see the movie http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cont%C3%A1gio_(filme) and play the game http://www.ndemiccreations.com/en/22-plague-inc
- CLASS 1 - (Concepts and scientific challenges): (1) The Meaning of Life; (2) Epic Conway´s Game; (3) slides HERE; (4) (Introduction to Cellular Automata): Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III of (The New Kind of Science, Stephen Wolfram, Wolfram Media, 2002); (5) Game of Life; (6) http://www.wolfram.com/
- SCORE 1 - Epidemiology Concepts by written test
- TALK SHOW by myself ;-)
- jan 14, 2016
- READING: An Introduction to Applied Epidemiology (lessons 4-6), Chapter 1 of Introduction to ODEs, Compartmental models in Epidemiology The first formalization by A. G. McKendrick and W. O. Kermack: http://www.math.utah.edu/~bkohler/Journalclub/kermack1927.pdf
- CLASS 2 - (Epidemiology in Temporal and Spatial dimensions): http://www.systema-journal.org/article/view/172
- SCORE 2 - your game of life implementation with some modifications by yourself
- TALK SHOW - What information is possible to get from a human body? by José Luiz de Lima Filho - LIKA-UFPE
- jan 19, 2016
- READING - Classical (Mathematical) Epidemic Models and What is Spacetime, really?
- CLASS 3 - (self-replicanting Machines and Dimensions) Chapter 1-3 - Book A Discrete View of the World: Fractal Dimension and The Cellular Automaton. Nature and Life: How did life begin? by Stephen Hawking, Gnus X Lions by John Fryxell, Design = mathematics + ICTs + synthetic biology by Neri Oxman. Examples: self-replicating blocks from Cornell (2009), resilient robot from Cornell (2009), self-replicating robots from Harvard (2014). Foundations: "The general and logical theory of automata" (1948!!) by John von Neumann.
- SCORE 3 - your first model of a phenomena using Game of Life and some modified rules in an Euclidean dimension and (extra bonus)to calculate the Koch curve perimeter and its similarity dimension.
- TALK SHOW - Disruptive Innovation for Public Health by Onicio Leal Neto - EPITRACK-FIOCRUZ
- jan 21, 2016
- READING - Chapters 1 and 2 from Introduction to EDOs, Solving ODEs by Runge-Kutta (http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%A9todo_de_Runge-Kutta)
- CLASS 4 - (hands-on modeling and running models and solving ODEs): Solving First-Order ODEs, ,Solving First-Order by Wolfram, Solving by Wolfram Alpha. Modeling a spatial-temporal epidemiological system: by researchers, by STEM since its paper in 2006, by ODEs, by Cellular Automata and ODEs, etc, etc, etc... New ones each day: http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/ and http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/18775845/11 and...
- SCORE 4 - your model with solving the ODEs on your problem... some examples: fire propagation, urban growth, music, recurve bown, road traffic, fluid simulation, crowd simulation, crowd simulation in a no so good model :-)...
- TALK SHOW - Is there a Computer "Science"? by Wilson Rosa Júnior - UFRPE
- jan 26, 2016 - OFF (no classes, but consulting and running and developing models and projects...)
- jan 28, 2016
- READING - The TIPPING POINT and by Gladwell, Computating a theory of Everything by Stephen Wolfram,
- CLASS 5 - jan 28, 2015 - (what is Computational Epidemiology? how to capture the Tipping Points? Is it possible? It is not only GIS (http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/2/2/96-0202_article), neither only Math (http://cmmid.lshtm.ac.uk/), neither only Turing Computations of a Information System (https://publications.nigms.nih.gov/computinglife/simsickness.htm or http://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2013/7/165478-computational-epidemiology/abstract or http://www.nature.com/news/google-ai-algorithm-masters-ancient-game-of-go-1.19234. so, what is this? a month "calculation" and... enjoy the trip! whats next? Cancer Epidemiology (1), (2)... and by Epitrack :-) applying into other areas than Health: HealthDrones, Desert-Map, Innovation clustering, technology adoption, Energy clustering, ...
- SCORE 5 - Implementation with Automata and ODEs and a Model analysis and parameters analysis and the Latex report
- TALK SHOW - Everything is Software by Silvio Meira - FGV/IKEWAY